Early distribution lines were mainly simple radial network expansion, over the years, through increased investment and construction efforts, the network structure of the distribution network has been optimized, power supply reliability and power supply capacity has been significantly improved. Some areas have formed a pattern of ring network power supply and multi-power supply. With the increasing use of electricity in society, there is a need to further strengthen the power supply guarantee for important users and key loads, and improve the disaster-resistant and emergency response capability of the distribution network, our Dingson Intelligent Technology puts forward Dingson Intelligent Technology. a href="http://www.szyjxmy.com/product_detail/787045.html" target="_self">Distributed Power Fault Monitoring Device for Distribution Grid. strong> program.
As an emerging high-tech products, distribution network distributed power fault monitoring device using traveling wave positioning technology, with high precision, fast response characteristics, can be "seconds" to locate the fault point, in the distribution network fault detection plays an important role.
1, when the fault occurs, the sudden change of network impedance will stimulate the transient sudden change of voltage and current in the line, forming a traveling wave and propagating along the ends of the wire at a speed close to the speed of light.
2, traveling wave monitoring terminal installed in the key nodes of the line, real-time capture of these traveling wave signals, by analyzing the time difference between the arrival of the traveling wave and the waveform characteristics, combined with the topology of the distribution network and line parameters, calculations to determine the location of the fault, early warning line insulation defects hidden.
Technical characteristics:
1. The optimization of high-precision positioning algorithms, such as wavelet transform and spectrum analysis, improves the recognition of traveling wave signal features and positioning accuracy.
2. Multi-point cooperative localization techniques, such as TDOA and FDOA, improve the accuracy of determining the location of fault points in complex distribution network environments.
System Advantage:
1, clock synchronization: through the BeiDou / GPS satellite synchronous timing, active statute timing, etc., the synchronization error is not greater than 1μs, to achieve 100-meter-level positioning;
2、Intelligent diagnosis: The system can not only locate the fault, but also intelligently diagnose the type of fault, such as short-circuit, disconnection, grounding, etc., through the waveform characteristics, which provides the basis for maintenance decisions;
3, integrated and intelligent functions: including fault early warning, condition monitoring and health assessment, forming an integrated intelligent diagnostic system, which improves the reliability and operational efficiency of the distribution network
4, adaptable: support complex distribution network structure, can realize accurate fault location under different line parameters and load conditions.
With the rapid development and intelligent upgrading of power systems, traditional distribution network fault detection methods have gradually failed to meet the high efficiency and high reliability requirements of modern power grids. Distributed power fault monitoring device will greatly shorten the fault discovery and localization time, and provide more powerful technical support for power supply repair of distribution lines.